Unlock & Service Cables » Service Cables for Boxes » JAF 8 pin RJ45 Cables

RJ45 8 pin Service Cables to Unlock, Flash, Repair and Reset Codes of cellphones with JAF Box, as well with the multiple Boxes which are compatible with this interface and pinout such as UniversalBox, Cyclone Box, MX Key, UFS, HWK, etc...
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Nokia 8pin BB5 SL3 Venom Series Set (54 cables)
Nokia 8pin BB5 SL3 Venom Series Set (54 cables)

Terrific RJ45 8 pin JAF cable pack for Unlock and Flash the latest Nokia DCT4+ and BB5 SL3. It is an upgrade pack perfect for users who already have most of the previous cables for DC4+, BB5 SL1 and SL2. The quality is extreme and the price is really excellent, as each cable comes out to less than 2 EUR!

Brand: PACKS
85,00 EUR
Universal UFC PRO v3 FBUS 16 in 1 Cable Set with LED for Nokia (BX Series)
Universal UFC PRO v3 FBUS 16 in 1 Cable Set with LED for Nokia (BX Series)

Universal FBUS Multi-Cable for Nokia phones that have RJ45 connection as JAF, Universal Box, Cyclone Box and RJ48 connection type as MT Box Genie Universal for use it with practically any Box available in the market for Nokia. You will be able to create in a few moments the cable you desire for unlock and flash without having to wait to have the latest Nokia cable in your hands!

Brand: Nokia
69,00 EUR

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